Тиффани Дель Настоящий Рост, Вес, Возраст, Супруг, Семья, Факты, Биография

Тиффани Дель Реаль Краткая информация
Высота 5 футов 4 дюйма
Масса 51 кг
Дата рождения 29 ноября 1990 г.
Знак зодиака Стрелец
Супруг Кейси Чан

Тиффани Дель Реаль - американская звезда социальных сетей, актриса, продюсер, дизайнер товаров и менеджер по связям с общественностью. В подростковом возрасте, находясь на концерте ютубера и рэпера, за которым она некоторое время следила, ее поразило, что она способна делать гораздо больше, чем просто работать на обычной работе. С этой мотивацией примерно в 2013 году Тиффани присоединилась к команде мультимедийной компании JustKiddingFilms, чей канал на YouTube собрал более 1,5 миллиона подписчиков, сначала в качестве актрисы и продюсера, а затем в роли менеджера по связям с общественностью и дизайнера товаров. Участие в JustKiddingFilms также означало, что она появлялась в многочисленных видеороликах на их родственных каналах, JustKiddingNews с более чем 2 миллионами подписчиков и JustKiddingParty, у которого аудитория составила 1 миллион подписчиков.

После того, как Тиффани начала встречаться с Кейси Чаном, который был режиссером фильмов и видеоклипов для JustKiddingFilms, и зрители проявили большой интерес к их индивидуальности, они решили создать вместе канал YouTube 25 августа 2015 года под названием Tiff & Case. . Они использовали это как способ продемонстрировать свою индивидуальность в творческих проектах, обсуждениях, испытаниях, кулинарных видео, мотивационных историях и реальных видеоблогах, которые позволили заглянуть за кулисы их жизни. Она также снялась в короткометражном фильме Gun Fu (2014), который снял Кейси, а также в двух короткометражных фильмах « Мой парень K-Pop» и « Как я стал взрослым»., оба в 2017 году. Тиффани также собрала большую базу поклонников в Интернете с более чем 400 000 подписчиков в Instagram и более 100 000 подписчиков в Twitter.

Имя при рождении

Тиффани Дель Реаль


Тифф, Тиф-Фанни, Чикита (Маленькая девочка), Тортугита (Маленькая черепаха), Флакита (Худая девочка)

Тиффани Дель Реаль на селфи в Instagram, апрель 2019 г.

Знак солнца


Место рождения

Сан-Франциско, Калифорния, США


Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния, США




Из-за усталости от беременности и рождения сына в 2008 году Тиффани не смогла собраться с силами, чтобы закончить обычную среднюю школу в классе 2007 года. Вместо этого она поступила в среднюю школу для взрослых и окончила ее в 2009 году.

Род занятий

Звезда социальных сетей, актриса, продюсер, менеджер по связям с общественностью, дизайнер товаров


  • Отец - он бизнесмен и бизнес-гид.
  • Мать - она ​​служила моделью.
  • Братья и сестры - Нет
  • Другое - у нее есть 2 старшие сводные сестры, 1 младшая сводная сестра и 2 младших сводных брата по отцовской линии и 3 младших сводных брата по материнской линии.

Управляющий делами

Тиффани Дель Реаль самостоятельно управляет своей карьерой.




5 футов 4 дюйма или 162,5 см


51 кг или 112,5 фунтов

Парень / Супруг

Тиффани Дель Реаль встречалась -

  1. Кейси Чан (2012-Present) – She began dating the producer of JustKiddingFilms’ music videos, Casey Chan around 2012 after they met at a rooftop party that was organized to celebrate one of his achievements for the company. Casey just broke up with his girlfriend at that time, and so did Tiffany with her boyfriend, and they simply felt a connection almost immediately. They took their 1st trip together in 2012 as well, which was to visit her dad’s family in Tijuana, Mexico. About 6 months into their relationship, they also decided to move in together. Tiffany and Casey got engaged in 2016, and on May 19, 2017, the two tied the knot in a beautiful wedding in Paris, France. A full 24-minute video of their wedding was released on September 4, 2017, via the YouTube channel they lead together. Around 2 weeks before the end of high school, Tiffany got pregnant with her son, Isaac, and decided to keep him despite being a teenager herself. He was born on January 13, 2008, and she raised him alone at first. After meeting Casey, all 3 of them began living together and raising Isaac as a family.
Тиффани Дель Реаль и Кейси Чан в селфи в мае 2019 года

Race / Ethnicity

Mixed (White and Hispanic)

She is of Mexican and American descent.

Hair Color


She has also dyed her hair ‘Blonde’, ‘Black’, ‘Dark Brown’, ‘Teal’, ‘Purple’, ‘Light Brown’, and ‘Ombre’ in the past.

Eye Color

Dark Brown

Sexual Orientation


Distinctive Features

  • Slim physique
  • Prominent cheekbones

Brand Endorsements

Tiffany Del Real has endorsed brands such as –

  • Sip Matcha
  • LAIKA Studios
  • Palette Salon Studios
  • Pop Pilates
  • The Smile Expert by Dr. Kourosh Maddahi
  • Wet n wild beauty
  • Amazon Fashion
  • DevaCurl
  • RappAround
  • Walmart
  • Soul Journey Jewelry
  • Kittens + Coffee Jewelry
  • Ora Delphine Fashion
  • Apple Watch
  • Forever 21
  • FashionNova
  • Elegance Inc.
  • Kollectin
  • Drumstick
Тиффани Дель Реаль в октябре 2018 года

Best Known For

  • Her social media following with more than 400k subscribers on YouTube, more than 400k followers on Instagram, and more than 100k followers on Twitter
  • Being an actress and producer in the multi-media company JustKidding Films since 2013
  • Her roles in 3 short movies Gun Fu (2014), My K-Pop Boyfriend (2017), and How I became an Adult (2017)

First Web Show

Tiffany Del Real made her first web show appearance as ‘Herself’ in an episode titled Harlem Shake (Liquor Store Edition) of the YouTube comedy series JustKiddingFilms in 2013.

First TV Show

Tiffany Del Real made her first TV show appearance as herself in an episode of the news series Access Hollywood on November 4, 2014.

Personal Trainer

In November 2018, Tiffany collaborated with a fitness channel named ‘Barbell Brigade’ and went through an intense workout. They taught her how to stretch before a workout using elastic bands, as well as how to utilize them in common exercises to maximize strength gains. During their workout, Tiffany also received tips about incorporating those bands in her home workouts if she can’t get to the gym. She also tried barbell squats, jumping/alternating lunges, leg extensions, backward leg raises, and hip thrusts.

To focus on her abs, she tried out crunches, used an ab roller, held a plank, among others. In February 2019, Tiffany also went to a pilates class with her girlfriends, and in March 2019 she tried out breakdancing.

Tiffany Del Real Favorite Things

  • Color – Teal
  • MusicStar – Michael Jackson
  • Drink – Iced Milk
  • Cuisine – Mexican
  • Activities – Skydiving, Traveling, Hiking
  • Movie – Cat in the Hat (2003)
  • TV Shows – Game of Thrones, How I Met Your Mother, Friends
  • SongEuropa by Carlos Santana
  • Season – Fall
  • Holiday – Thanksgiving
  • Personal Quote – “No Te Limites” or “Don’t Limit Yourself.”
  • Animals – Cat, Snake
  • Childhood Toy – Teddy Bear

Source – YouTube, YouTube, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram

Тиффани Дель Реаль в посте в Instagram в феврале 2019 года

Tiffany Del Real Facts

  1. Her mom wanted to name her Guadalupe because her due date was December 12, 1990, which was also a birthday of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a religious figure.
  2. Because she was born earlier than December 12th, she got her name due to her dad’s love of the jewelry store Tiffany & Co. He kept saying: “My daughter is gonna be a diamond because she’s precious.”
  3. Growing up, she was a goofball, and her friends called her Tif-Funny because she was considered a class clown.
  4. After she saw her mom’s modeling photos, she pretended she was a model as a kid and posed in the pictures.
  5. Tiffany was very happy and wanted to be a singer and a model when she grew up before her parents divorced. Their divorce crushed her, led her into depression and she was forced to go to therapy.
  6. She had to raise her step-siblings growing up instead of doing the things she was interested in or focus on school. This led to her being rebellious and arguing all the time, so her mom sent her to Mexico to live with her dad.
  7. Her dad is a business guide, so Tiffany lived in 6 different cities during a course of the 1st year she spent with him.
  8. She shaved pieces of her eyebrows in the 3rd grade after she found her mom’s razor.
  9. Tiffany must always have lip balm on her lips and carries it with her at all times.
  10. After she gave birth to her son in 2008, she developed a crazy obsession with organizing, and it never left her.
  11. Tiffany worked in the medical field, which was how she was able to afford to raise her son and buy her 1st car as a single mother.
  12. She has to sleep on her back or else she gets intense nightmares. She also has very vivid dreams.
  13. Tiffany is scared of firecrackers due to a bad experience she had when she was 11 years old.
  14. When she was 11 years old, Tiffany got her 1st pair of prescribed contact lenses that were green in color.
  15. Tiffany tends to get a headache when someone mentions he or she has a headache himself.
  16. She has never had an allergy but noticed salt water gives her a rash.
  17. Tiffany has had a few piercings in her lifetime – on her bellybutton and tongue, as well as 2 additional earlobe piercings and a nose piercing that she did herself.
  18. She has a little scar on her thigh because she once jammed her leg in a metal door while it was closing. Tiffany also has a small brownish birthmark on her left thigh that looks like “a smeared footprint,” according to her.
  19. Her favorite things about her body are her eyes, as well as eyelashes that are naturally curly and long.
  20. She had moved 36 times by June 2014.
  21. Tiffany is fluent in both Spanish and English, and according to Casey, her husband, had a Mexican-American accent when they met.
  22. Self-admittedly, she’s an ambivert. This means that she has traits from both an introvert and an extrovert.
  23. Tiffany finds chewing boring, so she tends to be a picky eater and is too lazy to eat occasionally.
  24. She got braces when she was 20 years old. Tiffany paid an extra amount of money for them to be clear so they are harder to spot.
  25. Tiffany whips her hair back and forth as a way to dry it after getting out of a shower.
  26. She can put her wrists into a 90-degree angle while keeping her knuckles parallel to the ground because she’s double-jointed.
  27. Tiffany has a hobby of collecting magnets from all the places she’s traveled and displaying them on her fridge.
  28. She has a tendency of speeding when she drives, so she has to willingly control herself to prevent a ticket or something worse.
  29. If she was forced to eat 1 meal for the rest of her life, she’d pick Domino’s pepperoni pizza.
  30. She loves the fashion era of the 1920s.
  31. As of late 2015, Tiffany has had only 2 surgeries – a C-section after she gave birth to her son Isaac, and an appendix removal 9 months after that.
  32. Tiffany always keeps Pepto-Bismol medicine in her fridge.
  33. Her favorite sound of nature is that of waves crashing.
  34. If she were a ruler, she would introduce free education for everyone as her 1st law.
  35. She became interested in YouTube by watching Timothy DeLaGhetto, Shane Dawson and other comedians. They inspired her to create her own channel, as she had no other creative outlet.
  36. Tiffany is a fan of extreme sports and tried out skydiving, parasailing, and also swam with the dolphins.
  37. The one thing she will never do again is drinking orange juice after brushing her teeth.
  38. She has a hobby of cutting up old shirts to sew them back together into a fashion creation of her own.
  39. Her friends would describe her as “a quiet but happy person.”
  40. She loved dogs and hated cats growing up but discovered that her husband Casey is allergic to dogs. For that reason, they decided to adopt 2 cats named Maya and Zo, who turned 6 years old in April 2019.
  41. Tiffany promised her son she would take him to “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter” at Universal Studios at Osaka, Japan, after he read all 7 books in the series, which came to fruition in June 2019.
  42. Она помогла создать и была соведущей женского подкаста Hey B * tch . Первая серия вышла 25 июня 2019 года.
  43. Следуйте за ней в Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, втором YouTube, третьем YouTube и четвертом YouTube.

Лучшее изображение Тиффани Дель Реаль / Instagram

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